Poinsettia season

Our weird weather continues. Cool mornings, hot afternoons, then thunderstorms late afternoon. If it were February, the cool mornings would be odd, but it’s May, and it should be getting cooler, and our rainfall should be long gone.  Mind you, the garden is enjoying the late rains.

It’s been a great day work-wise, with great new opportunities coming along for the business side of things.

Just a pity our fight for the welfare funding is still unresolved.

It seems that the government feels that a paltry monthly disability allowance of R2,080, that’s £90.40 in real money, is enough to cater for the persons every needs, despite it being barely enough to feed a person a month, they are now expected to fund their care needs too, not to mention personal hygiene items, etc.

The fight is not over yet.

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