Fruits of my Labours

I worked in the patch. Here are the results of my labours. And then later we skedaddled up town - the opening of the Annual RSA exhibition. As the online catalogue had plopped into my email box during the day, I gave it a perusal once we were seated on the omnibus. And there were entries from two good friends! Unbeknownst to us, yes, imagine that. Both blippers too. As soon as we arrived we hared about looking for them (well, not quite as soon as we arrived - there was a free bar to visit). No sign of them. The RSA bigwigs clearly didn’t want upstaged and instead had hogged an obscene amount of wall space for their over-inflated selves, relegating our chums to the storeroom. 
The SK was however approached on more that one occasion due to the magnificence of her outfit. And a proposal was put to her - that she take part in a video shoot in an oyster costume (whatever that is) to celebrate some Newhaven oyster bed reclamation initiative. Not to be confused with a Newhaven fishwife, I trust.

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