
We are in an apartment in the centre of the old town which is easy to walk to the sights.  There are seven hills here (like Lisbon) and they have outdoor escalators to help get up the worst of them!  Great idea!  We walked down to one of the very old beautiful bridges  over the Teagus, yes the very same one that flows through Lisbon, another similarity.

We were going to walk the green walk Roy d the river but changed our minds and went to the Cathedral.  I am not religious but can appreciate the history amd beauty of the buildings, built centuries ago like this one.  It’s vast absolutely huge and it’s said it’s the best in Europe.  My favourite bit was the baroque designed bit, not sure what you call it but it tumbled down from an exquisite ceiling bit down to the floor all with great beauty.  Once I’d seen that nothing else could top it and although there was much more to see one hour was adequate.  Also there was no loo inside and the nearest was across from this photo of the cathedral in the tourist office.  I had the misfortune to be behind a multitude of Japanese women all needing at the same time - and only two loos….  One thing I’ve wondered is why there are always big large groups of them , why don’t they come with just their families?  This is the first of them coming back since the Covid years so they are out in force.  

Next up was lunch in a lovely Tapas restaurant sitting outside.  Plenty tasty dishes and was starving as this was the first food of the day..

I had a notion to have a go on the little motorised road train that takes you round the city then up to one of the main viewpoints looking over Toledo.  Wow the view was outstanding and we all trooped off the bus for 10 mins for photos.  The guy sounded the horn for us to go but two people obv weren’t listening cos when we took off a few folks started shouting and eventually the driver stopped.  The guy couldn’t run very fast as he was carrying a lot of excess round his middle lol!

It was very hot (29 degrees too hot for me really) so we went for cocktails at the Carlos hotel rooftop bar which overlooked the rooftops of old Toledo..  I had a very nice non alcoholic one and S had a vermouth on ice. Clink.

It seems like a very long day looking back at the pics but we only ate once so that cut out dinner- I was still full from lunch!

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