Downpour dodging

Thank you for your congratulations on my blipday which I was completely unaware of until you noted it.

Managed to have a dry dog walk before breakfast.

Noticed ominous dark clouds cycling to town.  The downpour arrived as I headed towards the market from the supermarket.  I parked my bike under a vacant stall.  Rained for quite a while after I'd bought all my groceries. 

Market stallholders worried the weather and television will deter shoppers tomorrow. 

Headed home in a brief lull.  Heavens opened as I arrived home.  The afternoon was punctuated by thunderstorms and sunshine.  

Second dog walk began in sunshine and ended in relentless rain.  Kyro was soaked to the skin, literally as greyhounds only have a short coat of fur unlike more hirsute canines. 

At home not quick enough with a towel, Kyro had his own way of drying his wet head by rubbing it side to side on his bed downstairs then proceeded upstairs to repeat the process on his night bed.  All the time I'm with my feeble attempts to towel dry him.

This week has galloped by.

Pleasant evening everyone. 

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