The Robert Falcon Scott window at Binton Church

Lovely thunderstorm this afternoon whilst we went to take a look at Binton Church close to Stratford upon Avon.

The rector of Binton was the brother of Scott’s wife. It is said that the pair spent their last weekend in Binton before he set off for his ill fated expedition. The window in the church commemorates the expedition. very grand for such a small little church which is always left open.

Well the election results are in and my view is that they illustrate even more why we should have proportional representation. The Greens, Lib Dem’s and Independants combined have a larger number of seats than either the Conservatives or Labour. I was disappointed to see that the Conservatives still  managed to win over 2000 seats given what has happened. 

A potential Blip Meet. The Garden of Heroes and Villians contains 50 Life sized bronze sculptures and importantly has a cafe. It is located in the village of Dorsington near Stratford upon Avon. It has three open days this year - 27th May, 24th June and 19th August. Any interest in making this a potential venue?

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