
By brambleblossom

Bramble with Sage in the Butterfly Garden

I’m still getting used to having so many days without a preordained structure and some days I feel dissatisfied by what I’ve achieved. Days when time seems to slip through my fingers and nothing much seems accomplished.Today was that sort of day!

Having said that , I jumped into action early on as we had to go and seek out a promised propane gas cylinder, calor gas cylinders are in short supply . We had tracked a possibility down and were on a list , no 6. We raced over to the store early as D had to be at the Town hall ready for the count and our luck was in , the delivery had just arrived and our early presence bumped us up the list, useful as only 4 had been delivered. We had searched all over for a supplier as its what we use in the MH. 

Holiday clothes were ironed and Bramble walked. Chatted to J and K and also to my niece who is currently in hospital with heart failure, a worrying time and it was relief to be able to talk to her.

The photo captures a sweet moment with my neighbour, her new puppy Sage and Bramble. My neighbour is lovely lady who I only really got to know during covid . We took the dogs out together for the first time and it went well . I was bit nervous in case Bramble got irritated by a bouncy puppy as she is struggling with her joints.

The timetable for tomorrows Coronation has just come up on the T.V followed by interviews with people camping out, listening to their accents its clear that people have gathered from many parts of the globe. I will watch some of it but it feels indecent that all this public money is being spent on what could be a very simple ceremony when we have huge numbers of people relying on food banks. 

The election results feel, to me, like a cause for celebration though especially the result in Mid Suffolk , a council with a Green majority, Hurrah.

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