King's Coronation – Saturday 6th May 2023

What a fabulous day we have had.

My human feels like she has to record every detail of it, because today we have been making 'social history', and in years to come, it may be of interest to future generations.

When we got up this morning, at 6.45am, our weather app was showing rain for the rest of our life. Our weather app lies a lot! It wasn't raining, but when I went along the lane for my walk, it was so misty that we could hardly see two feet in front of ourselves.

I had snooze time while Ann went to Zumba 8.30-9.30am and then she walked home via the Harbour Beach (where the big screens were going to be showing the Coronation). There wasn't a great deal happening, but it still wasn't raining, so when she got home she said, 'Trixie, I don't care if nobody wants to come out to play with us. I'm going to go down the beach to watch the Coronation and you can come with me.'

….............And this is where the power of 'social media' kicks in................

Our friend, Barry, posted on FB that he was also going down to the harbour and did Ann fancy a swim afterwards?

Long story short.................... we met up with Barry (and his wife Sarah) to watch the Coronation. Oh and we've just seen ourselves on the local news if anyone is interested!! #We'refamous  Sat on the beach for a couple of hours and the weather just got better and better and better. …...........Don't you just love lying weather apps??!!

…...............And then it was off to Porthminster Beach for a swim. Sarah doesn't do swimming, so she looked after me. Mmmmmmm................. initially I followed Ann & Barry into the sea, but the tide was out so they had to wade quite a long way out before it was deep enough for them to swim. I tried to keep up, but there were things called 'waves' that kept crashing over me and anyway I don't really like swimming in deep water so I had to turn back. Sarah said I'd been a very good girl.

When we got home I went straight into my bed because swimming had made me very tired. Ann read somewhere that 5mins of swimming in deep water for a dog is the equivalent of a 2 hour walk. Not sure how true that is but I was certainly very flaked out!!!

Ann lay on our very sunny sun terrace for an hour. By this time Mr Sunshine was out in full force, but she'd arranged to meet a couple of friends down at the 'Harbour Pool Club' for a couple of glasses of vino to toast King Charles. So that is what she did. And I was more than happy to have snooze time in my bed.

When she came home a couple of hours later she took me into the field for toileting purposes, but by then the mist was rolling in again.

…..............And here we are.................. Saturday evening at 8pm, just watching the highlights of the day on TV.

My human has had the bestest day ever (mainly due to the fabulous weather here in sunny St Ives) and obviously when my human is happy, then I'm happy too.

#coronation #longlivetheking

PS – Ann actually thinks she might have got a tan today. Yay!!!

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