Henry Gray

By Gustavo

Bird Saving

We were doing some exam revision this afternoon, when we heard some squawking and fluttering and banging from behind the gas fire... It soon became clear that somehow a bird had flown down the chimney and managed to get itself stuck in the fireplace. We left it for a while, thinking it would be able to fly back out, but after a while we realised if we didn't do something it would just die there, and cause a smell.

So with a bit of trepidation we dismantled the fireplace (whilst trying to avoid leaking gas all through the flat) and wedged it open as far as we dared without snapping the whole frame off. Sure enough once the bird had got over the fear of us shining torches at it, it burst out with much angry flapping and buzzed around the room. He settled on the sofa to pose for a photo, and then flew straight into the window. On take 2 he managed to fly out and off to freedom. He owes us his life.

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