What I think about...

By sparram


With the Johnstons.

Weesax, Jen, I and C came round.

Had a few beers in the sun, had a good laugh about stuff and then went to the park.

On the way back from the park, I thought I'd take a shot of the sky. This wee dick proceeded to stick his fingers up whilst I was taking the shot. Don't think he expected me to ask 'What the F are you doing ya wee dick? You in the habit of annoying people minding their own business! Now F off ya wee moron!

His pals proceded to laugh at him and saying, 'That old guy just bitch slapped you!'

There's a new sheriff in town, better watch ma back the next time a go to the shops. He might tell his Da on me.

Thanks Johnstons for a great day

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