
By GloryGlory

Family day

Ghislaine Howard lives next-door-but-one. She's an artist of high repute. Ironically when we eventually move into the 'other' house we'll be living next door to her close friend, also an artist. Funny.

Anyway it's Derbyshire Open Arts weekend this weekend. We often take in some art and such if we can when these events are running. Ghislaine is the obvious first choice.

So off we went this morning, she's chatty and lovely and she makes a mean brownie so fun was guaranteed for all. Great atmosphere, great paintings. Here are the chidlers post-olive-cracker / pre-brownie in her living room.

A picnic at Lyme park, Mr B winning finders keepers of the year with a little deer antler to take home, woodland walks, ice cream queues and delicious rewards for patience. Sun too.


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