A Day In The Life

By Irish59


I caught my first glimpse of Chuck while trimming three lavender plants. He was likely on his way out to do some exploring when he spotted me. His backside hadn’t cleared the burrow, and he remained perfectly still. Not even an eye blink. Poor thing. I left to grab my camera and was surprised, and happy, to find him in the same place. His reaction tells me he remembers me from last year. To keep him out of the backyard where the vegetable garden is I’d clap my hands and yell “Get Out Of Here!” every time I saw him getting close. If he keeps to the woods or the front yard he can enjoy peace and quiet :) • Woodchucks are also known as Groundhogs. It’s thought woodchuck comes from the Native American names wuchak or wejack. The famous tongue twister originates from a 1902 musical The Runaways. The Woodchuck Song was first recorded in 1904 by Ragtime Roberts • How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

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