May-time Montage

It's been wonderfully warm and sunny today and the garden was awash with butterflies. They were mostly small whites, and from time to time some tiny blues that I failed to photograph. But I got several shots of the orange tip (Anthocharis cardamines), which I've pasted on to the background flower bed. They're so pretty. Think I might have seen one female (with grey tips) - similar to small whites, but even smaller - but mostly males, for sure.

Can't quite work out how the butterfly bottom left is managing to show his upper outer wing and his inner under wing. Maybe the breeze is blowing one inside out?

With trepidation, I spent about half an hour gardening, fearing all the time that a flash of sunlight would trigger a migraine, but it didn't. Was so pleased to fill a tub with weeds.

Had a lovely roast beef lunch followed by sticky toffee pudding and custard. (The latter were ready-made bought ones, but still tasty.) 

And now for another early night ...

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