God Is Sovereign!

We gathered at FBC this morning under the threat(or promise,depending on your point of view) of rain.  I think we got a few drops here and there, but  inside our building, the only rain we had were showers of blessing that we experience when we lift our hearts and voices in congregational praise and worship.  After the welcome by Daniel, the choir,orchestra and all our wonderful accompanists presented a song we learned for Easter, "Mercy Tree", but it has beautiful words that are appropriate for any day.  The congregation joined in a few more praise songs and hymns and then Pastor Wes took us into Daniel 4 where we find Daniel or Belteshazzar,(his Babylonian name) interpreting yet another troubling  dream for Nebuchadnezzar in which we see that God alone is sovereign over all mankind, but He is also powerful, patient and gracious in His dealings with this pagan king.  Pastor Wes gives all the fascinating details and applications for Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar, but there are application points for us, even in today's world.  We must not be afraid to acknowledge that God is sovereign and in control of all that is happening around us and we must pray for our leaders that they will seek God and we must pray for their good.  The Live-stream would help you understand more about all of this and it is worth your time to watch it.  A bitter-sweet moment at the end of the service as the policeman who has been a faithful church member for 25 years and helped us navigate many security issues is retiring and moving away to enjoy a quieter, more rural life with his wife and today was his last Sunday with us.........

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