
By SweetArt

Snuggly Cats

The temperatures have dropped a lot in the evenings and early mornings ... and I can almost say it's freezing .. but not quite.  

The kittens are feeling it too.  They jump up onto our bed in the morning and snuggle right up to get warm, which is adorable and makes me late in the morning cause I do want to cuddle with them.

Back at work today and it was surprisingly busy.  My bosses are on holiday for a few weeks, they have visitors from Inverness!!!

Got some prep to do for Martin's birthday on the 4th. 

And today is our dear friend RachelWhyNot's special birthday!  We managed to speak with her in the evening as she was starting her day.  So good to be able to wish her.  I really don't know why we don't chat more often  when it's soo easy to do so.

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