Raining AGAIN!!!

My human is getting really fed up with this weather. One of the reasons she wanted to come to St Ives for three months at this time of year, is because May & June are normally glorious months. Not so this year.  Booohoooo...................

Managed to go for my morning walk without getting wet and then Ann managed to go to her Zumba class without getting wet, but it was pretty mizzly and drizzly.

Zumba finishes at 10am, so sometimes she takes me out for a long walk when she comes back. Today she said I could go for my long walk this afternoon. Bad move! By 2pm it was absolutely chucking it down with rain but I always get a walk whatever the weather Ann said, 'Trixie, I need to buy some curry paste because I am going to go into domestic goddess mode this evening and make a chicken curry so we will pop to Asda and then I will take you for a walk on the dunes at Hayle because the rain will have stopped by then.'

Seriously? Who was she kidding? It was absolutely teaming down. Driving to Asda was actually very scary. There was loads of surface water on the roads and the bit of road near Asda was like a river. It was like a really long ford...............

After she'd popped into Asda, she abandoned the walking on the dunes idea, and attempted to take me for a walk alongside 'Copperhouse Pool'. We persevered for about 15mins, by which time we were both completely soaked and the path was like a river.

In retrospect Ann should have worn her waterproof trousers and wellies. But she didn't so we abandoned the walk.

Home and I had to be thoroughly dried and Ann had to take off all her clothes. The trouble with this house is...................... there's nowhere to dry stuff. Except for outside and obviously it's not a good drying day today. Lol! All her wet clothes are in the washing machine but her coat and trainers are going to take forever to dry. One of the things that Ann hates most in life; is getting soaked on the dog walk and then her coat/shoes not being dry in time for the next dog walk.....................

Surely this rain cannot last forever?

PS – It's still raining but I'm happily snoozing. Ann says she'll take me out again once it stops raining, but I don't think it's going to stop raining because our weather app is showing rain for the rest of our lives and anyway I am the most chillaxed little Collie pup so I don't make a fuss if I don't get mega long walks every day. I just fit in with whatever Ann wants me to do. I really am the best!

PPS – Ann had friends round for dinner last night and cooked a big roast chicken, so this evening she is going to make a chicken curry with the leftovers. I got some chicken & gravy for breakfast this morning and I'm going to get a little bit of chicken for my dinner tonight as well. Yum! Yum!  #whatsnototlike

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