River Otter
Kind of a grey drab day...Had a walk on our beaches at a VERY low tide today. Our neighbors had just pulled their boat away from this dock 20 minutes before - giving this river otter a good pull out. (We keep a radio at low volume in our boat at our dock to discourage these curious little guys from cavorting all over it. guess they don't like our music!)
River otters are in the weasel family, just like the mink, are smaller than sea otters, swim belly down and often come on shore to eat and play in ponds etc. Sea otters swim belly up eating food balanced on their stomachs(and carry their single babies there ) and rarely come on shore and are still a threatened species, although the numbers have increased in BC recently.
Going to post this early today while I have a minute so it's not late and bed time. :-) I'm afraid to put photos on flickr because it uses too many bites for my iphone plan---but I might later....
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