Art Weekend*

One might have been satisfied with the Vermeer, of course, but when we thought that wouldn't happen - well, I did: the Minx evidently never gave up - we'd set our hearts on the van Gogh Museum.

We went into Amsterdam separately by tram, this morning, as I had a German lesson to do first. I'd specifically asked Melanie if we could do some role play - on the train, checking into the hotel, at a restaurant etc - and I don't think I've ever seen her happier. (I mustn't let her - or myself - down next week.)

The Minx and I were staying in an excellent hotel she'd found called The Four Elements, which required two trams to get into town. After my lesson, I took the 26 and then the 2, and came out by the van Gogh Museum Shop. After asking for directions, I then walked across and met the Minx at the actual museum.

I guess it would be cool to have a favourite artist who was a bit more obscure than van Gogh, but there you go: no one else comes close for me. And it's not just his actual works; I find his life story riveting, too.

It was such a joy to be in the presence of so many of his actual paintings, and the museum has done a fantastic job of providing a narrative around them (unlike, I feel compelled to say, the Vermeer exhibition). It's amazing to see him transform around 1886 from a good artist into a spectacular one, someone whose work is simply luminous.

And, as if that wasn't enough, the Minx had also booked us tickets for the Moco Museum, which is crammed with modern and contemporary art - hence the name - including works by Warhol, Basquiat, Keith Haring, and loads of people I haven't heard of. And then there were two rooms of work by Banksy, as evidenced by my Extra.

After all that, we were ready for a bite to eat and a drink. The weather had turned quite spectacularly, and the tram rides back were through a very loud and active thunderstorm. It was wonderful.

We ate at a little bar called NAP, where we had a coffee, this morning, and then went back to the Sky Bar at the hotel, for a couple of glasses of wine and to enjoy our books.

Such a perfect day. I'm glad I spent it with the Minx**.

*after David Bowie
** after Lou Reed

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