Cupmarks & Quartz

A big day out around Rosscarbery. Finola was in charge and we met up with Clodagh and Christopher who were interested in doing a heritage trail in the area - our input, well Finola's actually, we just went along for fun, concerned the prehistoric monuments in the area of which there are an astounding variety. The extras show Finola in action (spot the cup marks, (little manmade scoops in the mighty standing stone usually referred to as rock art); Himself and Finola pondering a probably fallen standing stone covered in cupmarks (and ladybirds); and a massive boulder burial adrift in a recently planted field (yes, it had cupmarks and note the ringfort behind). The highlight for me was the magnificent stone circle in Bohonagh which is just as it should be: untidied, uninterpreted and full of vibes. It also boasts a colossal boulder burial close to it with stunning views in every direction - plus bluebells.

Don't worry, a holy well was also visited but it's a sad little one at the moment, dedicated to the wonderfully named St Fachtna, patron saint of the area. We also visited his shrine and I was thrilled to discover what lay underneath the plastic crate - some earth, apply to sore eyes in certainty of a cure! Yes, St Fachtna had a way with eyes. 

Last but not least we visited a 28acre site which is being rewilded. 1500 native trees have recently been planted, meadows sown and ponds reclaimed. It was looking beautiful in the by now warm sunshine. There were oak nurseries, raised beds with asparagus and a polytunnel which had its door closed - venturing in we all instantly steamed up, like being in Singapore.

What a day. 

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