What a weird weather day!

Terri and I decided to go to Blackbury Camp to see the bluebells before they went over. Such a beautiful place (extra shows 2 more shots) and even though totally different, weather wise,  to when I went last time, we still had a good walk and took several shots.  
We then went to Beer to enjoy a stroll and coffee and the main shot shows the clouds building.  By the time we were driving home the rain was falling, the windscreen wipers were going full blast and the roads could not get rid of all the water and there were puddles galore! 
Due to the many potholes it was a bit hit and miss as to where Terri should drive! 
So many drivers did not use their lights, others decided rain wasn't an impediment to driving fast and stupid etc.  
Very happily we survived and eventually got home where a cup of tea was very welcome.
A great day out in spite of the awful weather.  The TV news is showing horrible photos of rivers breaking their banks etc so we were lucky to avoid those areas.

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