
By EdwardHealey


This picnic bench is in the little park in the background of the extra; we sat there at lunchtime for a bit of time out from the office and a natter.

The person I was with is also a member of the queer community and we found this interesting as it appeared to be a recent scribbling amongst many on this bench, which were just neutral in their content, and consequently we were pondering it. 

Times have changed significantly in my lifetime, thankfully, but seeing this does always instantly take me back to my younger days and brings back less than pleasant memories of when the word was not used so positively both personally or more widely being a teenager in the 80's.

So, back to the subject line - Why? Made us wonder why, that's all. 

As to the extra, gotta love a tiny double yellow line. Though my OCD is not liking that the line doesn't sit precisely parallel.

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