
... but also beautiful.  Arisaema thunbergii ssp urashima, raised from seed I received from Gothenburg Botanic Garden back in 2017.  This is the first time it has flowered.  It's a plant of Japanese woodlands but popular as a garden plant where it is happy in shade or dappled shade.  Here in the UK woodlands we have the similar but less showy Lords and Ladies or Cuckoo Pint, as Arum maculatum is known.

A dull damp start did eventually give way to some sunshine but the dreich, wraparound mists were never far away and by evening the hills had disappeared again into the clinging damp.   I did get a load of dog blankets dried outside so it wasn't all bad weather!   Pottery for a couple of hours this morning saw me make a start on glazing some small fish and seahorses - all will be revealed in due course - but little things are slow work if you're using multiple glazes as I am.  Another session will be needed.   Later a walk for the Megs around Llanegryn, Bella came too as Jamie has returned today.   Singing tonight was a blast as usual.  Our unfortunate hiccup a few weeks ago now firmly behind us, we've come out of that stronger than before.  I ended up taking the lead part in three songs tonight .... NOT what I signed up for earlier in the year but my confidence has been boosted by this friendly bunch of folk :-)

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