Happy Daze

By Dazed

Hummingbird Bakery Cupcakes

Shirley outdid her herself with the munchies that she brought into work today. Scrumptious cupcakes that she brought all the way from London where she's been at a trade fair. The Red Velvet ones were to die for. I got a bit of a sugar high after one and a half though and had a bit of an hysterical laughing fit. Now I've crashed :( It was worth it though!

Very exciting weekend ahead - am going to see De La Soul at the Picturehouse tomorrow night and then Mr and Mrs TSN are up visiting and coming round for Margaritas and fajitas on Saturday with Nikki and Jamie. Somehow I must also cram in some training for the Moonwalk and cleaning.

For now though, I'm off to vote. Am still swithering over who to choose as they're all as bad as each other. Definitely not BNP or UKIP though...

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