We left Alicante this morning. It was sad to say goodbye to my mum, as she headed back to the Netherlands on a later flight. She was able to help me get all our baggage through (travelling with a toddler involves a lot of stuff). We got a coffee before Little Man, and I had to catch our flight to Gatwick. The journey went smoothly, for the most part. Little Man wanted to explore the plane and wasn't impressed that he wasn't allowed to. It was safe to say he was a bit grumpy with me.
We saw my cousin, Amanda, who works at Gatwick, before heading back to Maidenbower, where we'll be spending the next few days. Little Man fell asleep on the bus and had a decent sleep, but woke up soon after we got to Maidenbower.
For more on our adventures, follow me on PolarSteps.
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