The look of excitement

All wildlings went back to school and nursery today.  I went on the car run to take them all in. I had to have my brekkie in the car. 

I had a lovely morning back at work. And it was good to get back into the swing of things. 
One of my students was off ill and another we had to send home at lunchtime.  So much going around . I do feel completely drained now. So will be going to bed early.  
Thankfully Mr R hasn't been as poorly as I was. He's still a little wiped but has been working from home. 

Harp was so excited when we went and got our car washed once we picked her up from nursery.  4 men washing the car and look at the excitement in her eyes. She takes after me. I love being inside the car when it's getting washed.  

I've added a photo of Xander from after his bath last night. My wee freckly boy. The photo doesn't show all the ones on his cheeks. 

Everyone has had a good day. 

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