Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

These past few days have been gorgeous, and we spent most of the day on Sunday outdoors once again, doing a combined bike/hike for seven miles in our local game land. I feel like I'm training for a triathlon or something!

On the plus side: wonderful weather, everything green, flowers everywhere.

On the minus side: the air thick with pollen, making the eyes feel like there's sand or grit in them, and tickling the throat.

We parked our bikes and hiked to an open sunny field lined by trees and flowers. And feasting on what I am guessing to have been wild honeysuckle were two huge yellow tiger swallowtails. I didn't get close enough to get a good look at the other one; this one, I believe to be a male. (According to pictures in my butterfly reference books, females generally have more blue on them.)

A song to go with it, hmm, let's see, butterflies: how about Heart, with Dog and Butterfly.

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