My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd


A busy day of shopping this morning, dropped off Joan's shopping for her & she was still concerned that she'd not had her meds delivered as promised; so she got me to phone the Chemist again & this time the young lady gave me her name & said the meds should be delivered today, so I hope Joan has got them now.
I then started on the garden, weeding etc.
My Daughter's Boyfriend came out into the garden eating his lunch, (he lives with us & can't seem to get a permanent job) after he had eaten his lunch he started strimming the grass etc.
I then went to get my lunch & left him to it; after lunch I went out to continue with the weeding etc; then my daughter came home from work & mucked in with the jobs in the garden.
This is the first seedhead of the flower Pulsatilla Vulgaris.

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