Not The Main News

Falmouth was all over the main news today but we can deal with that in tomorrow’s Blip, something far more important today, the Falmouth Royal Naval Association Coronation Cream Tea.
Mrs S had an Occupational Health appointment at Treliske, apparently after all these years they have ‘discovered’ her. I drove and dropped her off and then headed off to get fish tank filters, fish food and of course a toy for Paddy, we reunited for a quick coffee before heading home.
Changed we set off to pick up an RNA member, Kay, who lives in a rather ‘posh’ care home. A good afternoon, a cream tea as only the Navy does it, scone, strawberry jam, Cornish clotted cream and tot of Pussers Rum, you can drink tea any time. We sat and looked out through the floor to ceiling glass windows at Princess Pavilion as it absolutely bucketed down.

Kay sat between Mandy and Mrs S, three WRNS or ‘Jennies’ with with 206 years shared between them.

We dropped Kay back, kicked off our shoes for an hour before I prised Paddy’s new toy out of his mouth and took him round the block.

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