the blink of an eye

By weedave

40, 50

today was filled with parties

got up and did the gloss paintwork in the wee loo and tidied up as wife was having a friends 50th at our was gleaming ( should do this more often as makes me do all the odd jobs about the hoped the paint dried in time !!!

then went to my cousin's 40th , where we sat in glorious sunshine and it was good to relax and see all ( well most of ) the family

from there went to see mum... she had improved

came back and went out to pals ( well ok was banned from house as it was a "girlie" evening!!).... had a very pleasant evening there... home to be taxi driver for all who had indulged most of them !!!!

this was one of the many taken at the 40th... liked it as it shows the pit falls of taking pics involving pets balloons and people !!!!!....enjoy

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