Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Ragged tulip

Just a few left with petals now, and as it's very windy I expect these ay be gone tomorrow.

Mr T's wheelchair arrived this morning but they need to come on Monday morning and check that it fits properly. I tidied up one and bit kitchen cupboards this morning. Sarah messaged me to say she had tested positive for covid so I spent some time in the garage having a big cull so I could remove the shelving that kept getting wet and was rotting and mouldy and set up new shelves. I'm hoping to make enough room to get the old sofa in there so I can sell it on eBay or gumtree. Jo said Mr T was very quiet, and when I came back in I asked him, you don't like me being away do you, and he said no. But he also does understand that it needs to happen.

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