More Worms, Vicar?

My alternative title for today's blip was Close Encounters. I did a dawn raid to Padley Gorge - most birders visit for the pied flycatchers in particular, but I was hoping for that special shot of the gorgeous redstart. I did get to see one - it landed in a bush only a few yards from me then hopped onto the ground, then disappeared before I had a chance of a shot. however, I was compensated for this by sightings, quite unexpectedly, of n0 fewer that 3 Ring Ouzels, one of which took absolutely no notice of me as it collected worms from the mole hills, and hopped within a few yards of where I was standing. There were also cuckoos calling, and I got good views of lots of willow warblers, a whinchat and a great spotted woodpecker, so definitely worth getting up for, despite the frosty start.

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