
By ishaan03

Pleased but let down

It was weird day at work today - I felt I was getting chastised alot by colleagues. At a point they were trolling me for facing an error and claimed that a table I made never existed but I could query from it. This is all lead to my mental breakdown, and I shut my laptop for quite piece for a moment. A colleague later rescued me. I found great unhelpful behaviour from the rest.

PhD supervisor also emailed if I had got my acceptance letter. I didn’t get a chance to write back because of this hellishly demanding job!

Next part of the day, was meeting my friend Tom at the board games night. I am very happy I met him, he makes me feel so welcome and is generous with his games and his knowledge. Long story short, we played Wingspan and I won it! I was so ecstatic. Tom said he was proud of me.

In all this glory, my flatmate sent me another demanding message as he has been since past 3 weeks that he claims I push things down the sink. I perhaps do, particularly when he leaves it gross and stinking after cleaning up. So I had no choice but to write a response about the clean behaviour from him. It definitely frustrated me, and Tom and others mentioned to ignore.

Tom invited for a hotpot tomorrow.

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