
By Poppys


Dad and I went to Durrell this morning the sun was shining and it was quite warm. We walked around and I took various blips of different species. But finally decided on the bear as I felt so sorry for the poor thing as it recently lost its partner who's name was Wolfgang. The bear just looks so sad and lonely now he's on his own. I'm going to find out what they are going to do and if a new bear will be found but not sure how they will do this in the sense of how well bears integrate together.

We had lunch there to which was nice and then off to B & Q to get some bits for the garden now its looking tidier following the hedge trimming and weeding yesterday.

At least we had a sunny bank holiday, its just starting to go a little overcast now so I think we did well considering all the wet weather we have had lately. Enjoy the rest of your day whatever you are doing :)

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