My life in snaps

By joantodd

Black Out

Second day of my new job...bombarded with information that I'll probably never remember, but I did remember the code that opens the big gates to the car park and the way from the secret door from the car park to my office! I went to visit a friend in Glasgow after work and got home to discover most of Grangemouth in darkness. Plenty candles, but alas no power for the shower, hairdryer or straighners so set the alarm for stupid o'clock! Was a bit worried about the contents of the fridge and freezer but the power came back on at some point during the night when we were woken with the TV in the bedroom suddenly coming to life (serves us right for leaving it on standby I guess)!

New York City has no power,
And the milk is getting sour,
But to me it is not scary,
Cos I stay away from dairy,
...a Phoebe song which I kept singing seeing as I couldn't have a shower, or watch TV or make toast...Husband was not amused!

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