
By zippyhippy


As I get older I must admit that my love of hats grows by the day. I cannot imagine leaving the house without some kind of headwear. I particularly like this hat as it has multi purpose use as either a sun hat or a rain hat. Unfortunately, today it performed the unfavourable task of being a rain hat

Hat's also, for me, are a metaphor for journeys. I have had a tumultuous couple of days that has given me some cause for contemplation. Over the last couple of years I have been on one heck of an amazing trip and I have met some amazing people along the way. I love my classes and in particular my RPM class. I want to shout it from the rooftops how amazing an experience it is and how inspiring all the people who go are. I tell everybody I meet about it and how they should give it ago. This weekend though, I realised that I might be coming across as a bit of a zealots. This is all relatively new to me and a such a different path to be on than where I was heading previously, I must come across like some kind of crazed born again exerciser. I should appreciate that to some people it is just an exercise class and that what I feel when I am there may be a million miles away from what somebody else is feeling.

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