First of the year

First trip of the year to Campervan Brewery "taproom" (which actually means the outside - we don't much like the indoor drinking area of this brewery, although we much prefer the beer to that of New Barns which has an excellent indoor taproom...). A couple of pints of dark deliciousness after an early dinner, and of course the ultimate sign of Leith's ongoing hipsterisation.

It had been a sunny, pretty warm day, although a sneaky wind picked up towards evening which curtailed our drinking (along with a sensible sense of our own limits...). I used the day to do various practical bits and pieces around the house (well, the extended house, as we also went to the storage facility to sort things into different piles...). The balcony is now reasonably neat and tidy, and of course denuded. It will be even more so when I move a few more plants up to Tain that I want to plant out. I also managed to do a modest amount of work, helping me to feel a bit more "caught up" ahead of some busy weeks.

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