
After yesterday's turmoil I slept really badly and for not enough hours and needed some good distractions to perk me up.
I spent the morning at the village hall with happy, smiling people, a bacon butty and lots of coffee! We had a committee meeting at the end of the morning so I finally got back home just before 2pm. 
It was such a beautiful sunny day that I spent the rest of it in the garden, a day of outside opportunity not to be missed! I'd had some bags of compost delivered on Thursday so I was ready to go! I planted out my peas and tried my best to rabbit proof them as our garden is alive with the rabbits every  morning and evening. I really quite like to watch them but they aren't discerning and need to be discouraged from my veg plants!
MiL has been transferred to the James Cook hospital for scans and tests. They appear to be struggling to get her BP under control. We don't have any proper news. If she's going to stay there for a while I'll have to make the journey to her home to collect her some things and take them to her. I don't relish driving there but needs must! Hopefully we'll find out some more detailed info after the tests and scans.
Thank goodness for the longer lighter days.

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