
By WeeChris

The Magic of Margate

Denise and I set off quite early for Margate, so see an exhibition called "Curiosity" at the Turner Gallery. Denise loved it, I didn't, but it was great to be in Margate again on a bustling holiday. Margate is part dump, part treasure-chest. It was a marvellous sunny day. The town was crawling with motorbikes and leather-clad bikers. It had a lovely jolly ambiance. D and I both love all the junk/vintage/bric-a-brac stores. There are also lots of quite quirky people selling useless old tat cheek-by-jowl with nerds and numpties, the hip, the cool, and the not-yet-cool. I particularly liked Margate Retro run by josephgeorgebrown@yahoo.com who at first refused to be photographed, then relented, then gave me a not-entirely-genuine 100$ bill as a money off voucher for some coffee from his other Retro store.

These bikers were chilling out at the end of the pier. They were delighted to have their photos taken.

Enjoy. (And if you get the chance visit Margate).

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