
By scintilla

Wasilla Lake

Less than five days ago, this lake was half covered with ice. I snapped this blip on my way back from work today. You can see the dark clouds rolling in over the mountains on the left. These are part of the storm system Chaos toyed with up in Hatcher Pass in his blip today. I was able to squeeze in a walk with Daisy before the rain hit. The wife has the flu, so she's having a tough time enjoying the emergence of Spring. My daughter is busy studying so it was just Daisy and myself on the walk. The birch leaves are really starting to come out this week. Two girls were riding their horses on the trail, and I was proud of how well Daisy was behaved around the horses. The rain started up in the evening sun just as Daisy and I came up through the woods behind our house. Refreshing way to end the day.

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