The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

An Unexpected View

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

It was a Supper Club outing tonight (to Fava).

Charlie had been out with a friend, Amelia, in the afternoon and was chatting about their friendship over the years…

“Amelia was there when Josh was born”

When Charlie went into labour with her son, Josh, Amelia was on call to look after Charlie’s daughter while she went to hospital.

Amelia came round and Charlie called the hospital. She was assured that she had aaaages to go and have a cup of tea and her breakfast.

But Josh had other ideas. 15 minutes later, Charlie went to the loo, looked down to see what had come out…and there was baby Josh in the pan (“All I could see was this little willy and bum”). Obviously it was all hands on deck for Charlie’s husband and Amelia until the ambulance arrived.

“So that’s why I keep her around…she’s seen my fanny.”

It’s as good a reason as any!


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