The Handwriting Is On The Wall.....
It is Mother's Day in the US and I am blessed to have my mom and my dad still living and attending FBC, so I see them every Sunday when I go into their Sunday School class to sing with them. I am also very blessed to have both of my children attending FBC, so my cup of blessings was filled and overflowing this morning. My daughter,son-in-law and grandson had to leave church early, so I will get a picture of them later We had a little rain, but that didn't dampen our spirits as we raised our voices in congregational praise to God. After the welcome, the choir, orchestra and all of our dedicated accompanists presented a rousing version of another song we used to celebrate Easter, "He Arose, Hallelujah, but the joy and truth of Christ's resurrection is not limited to that one day out of the year, so we rejoiced in it again today as we sang that song! After a few more congregational songs, Pastor Wes took us into Daniel 5. Nebuchadnezzar is no longer on the throne, instead we have a king named Belshazzar. Nebuchadnezzar had looted the first temple, for which God humbled him, but he learned his lesson and did not challenge God's authority again. Belshazzar, on the other hand, profaned the temple and its sacred objects and was still so unrepentant, that God wrote his fate on the temple wall during the debauchery that was going on in the temple. Belshazzar got scared, his wise men failed to interpret the message and his heart remained unchanged, even after Daniel was able to interpret the message. The full story is much more interesting than my condensed version and worth your time to watch on the Live-stream. The thing we learn from the experiences of the two kings is that God is patient as He was with Nebuchadnezzar, but He is also just and He does not wait forever to apply His justice as you will find out with Belshazzar---spoiler alert---it does not end well for him!....
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