This & That

By shelbel64

Mother Nature

Frustrating day, yes WHOLE day AND a BANK HOLIDAY at that , trying to reformat & update my sons laptop! If the bugger would stay connected to my wifi for more than two minutes at a time I may have had some success. As it is I've only managed to download Vista SP1 & a few Windows updates.

Anyhow, spent a pleasant afternoon with my youngest whilst my eldest went to Wembley to watch Watford lose to the Eagles. Sad day as he's buying a season ticket for the Hornets once they're released!

So, most of today was spent sitting in my usual cross legged position on the floor trying to fix one PC & transferring thousands of jpegs from my desktop to my Mac. Definitely all tech'd out now & not much further forward than I was this morning!!!!

Until I spotted the most amazingly pretty cloud formation over my house... Blue sky & feather like clouds looked like an artist had been wistfully airbrushing the heavens!

Couldn't not blip this today & it seems to have lifted my mood no end! Mother Nature at her best!!!!! :)

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