
By Beewatcher

Is that all ?

Being a Bank Holiday,and a sunny one at that,I'd planned an outing,or at least a major garden tidy-up.
Instead the whole day's been taken up with a rather prolonged dizzy spell - probably caused by my shooting out of bed too forcefully this morning to tell the kind gentleman that I really don't want to decorate my roof with solar panels,thank you.

Since most movement is still making my head swim,I've been sitting reading a good book. So much so that I've finished The Viceroy's Daughters today.
Normally I wouldn't read anything like these two books ( largely about rich people in the 1930s having endless house parties and constantly disregarding their marriage vows ),but it's been extraordinarily interesting.
On to the second one now,with the connection that the widower of one of the sisters in the first book,Sir Oswald Mosley,then married one of the sisters in the second book.
Anyway,maybe tomorrow the room will have stopped going round and round.

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