
By Martigan

DAMN! Forgot again.

For some entirely WEIRD reason the. software chooses to publish a few of mine "tomorrow" ergo I'll have to publish today's yesterday - AGAIN.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~  * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~  * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~  * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~  * ~ *  ~  *

Last visit?

Two possible reasons.
1. Last visit this year.  That high speed year I recently mentioned, here, or there, essentially means that a lot of the things I went to see have gone/finished/died for the year.
2. Since my last visit, when ever that was, s/he has seen fit to fence off the vast majority of it, SO it could well be my last visit ever.
: ¬ (

What I don't get - why not fence off it ALL?  Does she/he really intend to leave that ≈ 3m strip as a Toilet for travellers who pull into the Lay-by.

Once upon a time I would have referred to a "Lig -away" and translated from the Cumbrian thus:-
To lie (down) in Cumbrian is to "Lig" + many a time & oft, but not in the Rialto we were told as kids to "Put that by"  (away) hence lig-away

However, it seems my humour is more an annoyance than an amusement, ergo I have ligged my last lig,  in future you'll find me lying about it.

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