Anns a 'ghàrradh
This morning's Gaidhlig Conversation class centred on (gàirnealaireachd) gardening and I can now say "I neglected my garden this year" - "rinn mi dearmad air mo ghàrradh am bliadhna". The literal translation is I made/did neglect on my garden this year, which I thinks makes it sound more intentional !!!!
We also touched upon marking, Eurovision, weight lifting and stretching - I do like that we spend time speaking (or trying to speak) about things that we actually do.
After my class, I went and help at one of the local community gardens (an gàrradh coimhearsnach ionadail) and followed this by pottering in my shed this afternoon. I actually got around to sowing some seeds !
Today's blip is of Rhododendron #3 which has never thrived but starting to do better following a move last year,
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