
We decided to walk to Low Wood again this afternoon to see if I could take some better shots of the bluebells. This is because the bluebell photo cards that I make are very popular, so I try and take new photos every time I come up here, to ring the changes.

Sadly I wasn’t successful; the bluebells are just beginning to go over, but nevertheless the woods looked spectacular because there were masses of greater stitchworts and some emerging cow parsley interspersed with the bluebells which looked so pretty.

Of all the photos I took, this was the shot I was most pleased with – I think it’s a green-veined white butterfly, which is sitting on a greater stitchwort, which is camouflaging it quite nicely.

On our way back down from the wood as we crossed the fell, I was amused to see that the bracken is now at lamb-height! (See extra.) The sound of the stonechats all around us was entrancing, and I saw a male and a female stonechat, plus a dunnock, all of which fully made up for not getting a perfect bluebell shot!

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