Evening sun

Still not feeling fabulous, but had an OK work day - including raising something a bit tricky with a colleague, who responded really positively - phew.

Some worrying news from my sister this morning - my nephew had fallen out of a tree and was in A&E, being checked over for all sorts of injuries (CT scans, x-rays, etc).  Thankfully all the scans were clear, and internal/neck and spine injuries were ruled out, but he has badly broken his right leg in two places and will need surgery on it.  Another message from my sister this evening saying that she'd just got home, having left Fin overnight, in lots of pain (but on morphine) and with his leg in a full cast.  Poor lad.  As she said, it never rains but it pours....

I phoned my Mum this afternoon to update her, as we'd all been WhatsApping but she didn't seem to have seen the messages.  She sounded OK, though concerned for Fin, of course.

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