Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Day 9 (Cyprus)

Tastes of Cyprus didn't quite deliver on its promise. I think that they haven't done this tour before, and so they were getting plenty of constructive feedback. The roads are wonderful, and they drive on the correct side. We then had quite a long walk to the goat farm. It was uphill, in temperatures in the high 20s, and took ages, while our guide pointed out the trees and plants and fruits. We had a look around the farm, at the lovely long eared goats (from Damascus) and we tasted some feta  and some hallumi.

Then on a bit more, into the hills where the grapes were grown. We arrived at the most fantastically modern winery! (Oenou Yi - Ktima Vassiliades Winery - can’t do a link). We joined with the second bus load and had a tasting of FIVE wines in quite a short time. We were always in a rush. The crowd got noisier and noisier, and the poor young winemaker tried to explain stuff to us. It's a hotel too, we noted for future reference.

Onward to a cute village, (these two locals were most interested in our arrival, Extra) where we had a brief stop to try some bread. We all would have loved to have had an hour to wander round, have a coffee, and something to eat. We went into the wee Greek Orthodox Church, with the fantastic chandeliers. When we came out a different door, there was a sign saying 'No Photography'. Oops…

Back to the harbour, the tender and the ship. Straight for a coffee and a scone, then for an ice cream. It was still hot, and the pool tempted us in again.

After a wash and brush up, it was time to go for a drink in the lounge, where we met up with our friend David, and also briefly our friends Stewart and Stewart. David came with us to our favourite restaurant. There was a live band this evening, and very good quiet jazz they played for a good hour and a half. A wonderful meal and excellent service yet again (the waiter cut up David’s rack of lamb, as he’s had a stroke and one arm is useless). The staff are SO good. Then we went to the concert, and dragged a couple of Aussie pals along too (they really enjoyed it). It was 'popular opera' and it was superb. An excellent end to the day. 

Arrive in Rhodes tomorrow at 9am. The excitement continues.

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