Last Birthday Bash

The day started at 6am to get up and out to the airport. Claire's gift to me was 2 days in Palma!!! So so amazing!
An 8,30 flight...super smooth... Some time shopping with birthday money and a delicious lunch at a little Spanish bar. We walked along the front to our hotel which has a proper 1920s glam feel about it. Then later we met Magda for sunset drinks on a rooftop. She's Mallorquín but used to live in Ibiza.
Claire and I went for a late delicious dinner and have just fallen into bed at 1am.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Claire's amazing gift!
2) Being somewhere different.
3) Danny and the kids all having lovely times back at home. Nate apparently said to Claire "the 2 days are for mommy to not be a mommy for a little bit." Ha!

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