Another beauty.....

It's been a lovely bank holiday here - hope it's been good for you!

I was going to turn comments off for now but have decided to keep it on. Please don't feel obliged to comment though! Dad has just had to have a blood transfusion and was exhausted tonight. I want to see him as much as I can this next couple of days as hubby and I are going on a cruise to Norway for a week as from this Thursday. Everyone says we must go (especially Mum & Dad) but it will be so hard leaving them. We have never had a holiday like this and as it was our 40th Wedding anniversary last week and my 60th later in the year so we wanted a special holiday. It was booked before dad took so ill.

I will not have much time before I go and I am not sure of connections on the Cruise. It may be too expensive! I will back blip on my return if I haven't managed en route. Keep smiling everyone and I will be in touch in a little while! I will be looking at your blips when I can! God Bless x

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