
By sebrose

London kitsch

I wake up late in this hotel that keeps the rooms in perpetual near darkness. A couple of hundred yards from the hotel, I realise I’ve forgotten my glasses and go back to get them - arriving with a couple of minutes to spare for the keynote.

The day passes pleasantly, although I’m not learning much. And then there’s my session, which seems to go well. Ninety minutes is a long time to keep people’s interest.

Finally there’s the speakers’ dinner at Frederick’s. We had to preorder weeks ago and today they sent out a seating plan. Luckily I have a great group of people around me: James Bender, Jules May, Clare Sudbery, Juval Lowry, Kevlin Henney.

The food is great. The wine is plentiful. I even get a Magnum on the way back to the hotel.

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